
Penpont to Thornhill Active Travel path

Can I raise awareness of the new path being put in from Penpont to Thornhill to allow people to walk...

Time Trials! Volunteers required

Midweek Time Trials VOLUNTEER AVAILABILITY FORM - We'll be organising a short series of time trials on Wednesday evenings...

The Helen Renton Memorial Ride

In memory of Helen, the club will hold a yearly ride which will include a social stop at the end...

Spring 2021 club kit order

To order please visit Club Kit | Dumfries Cycling Club

Loch Ken Open TT 2021

Please find info about the event and how to enter here - Facebook event page -

*New* Additional Club rides

**NEW** Midweek morning club ride - chosen day dependent on weather forecast. Destination and day to be posted on our...

2020 Memberships open

2020 Membership is now open - please click on the Join icon at the top right of the website for...

Tour of Flanders Sportive 2020

Club members Dave Niblock and Les Kerr have entered the Tour of Flanders 139km sportive on 4th April . Dave...

Temporary Bridge at Brow Well

A temporary bridge for Cyclists and pedestrians has now been constructed at Brow Well.
