
New Development Group at Club Runs

From Saturday 2nd of March there will be a Development group which will set off at 0905. This has been...

Overdue Subscriptions

2019 Subs. are now overdue. If you have not yet renewed for this year then please got to SiEntries to...

Your chance to have a say!

Do you have an idea or solution for making our club rides even better? This is one of the items...

Spring 2019 Club Kit

The latest range of club kit is now available to order. Go to the Club Kit Tab to dowload the...

Scottish Cycling Newsletter December 2018

This is available by clicking on the link

2019 Subscriptions Now Due

Please follow this link to pay your 2019 subs- SiEntries

Curry Night -Saturday 8th December

We're meeting at the Robert the Bruce at 1700 for a drink before heading over the road for a curry...

Bike Fit Deal at Visual Bike Fit

Drew Wilson at Visual Bike Fit is offering Dumfries Cycling Club members substantial discounts on their bike fitting services during...

Dumfries CC AGM 2018 Minutes

The minutes of Dumfries CC AGM, held on November 3rd 2018 are now available under the 'About', 'Committee' tab.

Dumfries Cycling Club Trophy Winners 2018

10 mile Handicap League: Craig Gibson 10 mile Vets Handicap League: Roger McIntyre 10 mile Ladies' Handicap League: Emma Westmancott...
