News archive

Last chance to volunteer!

Be part of the team that delivers the biggest cycling event in history! BE PART OF SOMETHING HUGE THIS...

Membership renewal reminder

Reminder that all membership renewals are due by the end of January. Also - please ensure personal insurance is also...

2023 UCI Cycling World Championships Para Cycling in Dumfries and Galloway.

Dear Dumfries CC, I hope my email finds you well. My name is Sophie, and I am from Pennine Events,...

2023 memberships

HNY to everybody - 2023 membership subscriptions are now due. Fees remain the same as 2022, £15 for seniors, £6...

2022 AGM, Prize giving and social night

Thanks to all who attended the recent AGM/social evening. Also, special thanks to Gill McNeil (Chairwoman), Stephen Spellacy (Race Secretary)...

Letter of thanks from D&G disability sport

As a thank you to Drummuir for letting us use their car park for TTs, we donated £30 to a...

AGM draft minutes

The draft minutes from this year's AGM can be found under the committee menu at the top. If anyone has...

Spring 2022 Club kit order live Orders to be in by end of March

Committee meeting Sept 2022 minutes published

Following Septembers commitee meeting, the minutes have been published in the 'about' 'committee' section of the website

August/September events

Please find August and September's club events and other events coming soon. August: Sat 27th - Away day cafe run...
